A Step-By-Step 90-Day Blueprint to Get You Started on Your Ascension Journey Right Away!
(in 30 minutes a day or less!)
Get all 3 Ascension School courses for only $497
Are you living your highest preferred reality?
If it feels like your soul is not on the right path, and no matter how hard you try to connect with your Higher Power it's just not working - you're not alone.
Not Connecting to Your Higher Power?
Affirmations and Meditations Not Working?
Meditating with Little to Show for it?
Not Fulfilling Your Mission and Purpose?
Not Having Deep Transcendent Experiences?
Tired of Taking Advice from Inexperienced Gurus?
No System to Measure Progress or See Results?
Lacking Real Inner Peace?
If this sounds like you - then it's time for a change...
Introducing Ascension School
These truths have been taught by esoteric hidden "mystery" schools for thousands of years. These truths are no longer a mystery; but they are basic, foundational, extremely empowering, and eternal truths that elevate humankind to their divine potential.
In Ascension School...
You'll learn how you can attune to the intelligence of your soul and transform your life from the inside out.
You'll learn to apply knowledge of how to transcend the bounds of mortal existence, and live by the higher laws of the Universe.
A Step-By-Step Blueprint to get YOU started on YOUR ascension journey.
Daily Meditation Protocols
Progress Tracking Through Baseline Testing
Subconscious Reprogramming While You Sleep
Energy Centers and How to Use Them for Health
Clear Your Emotions & Release Your Past
Find Your True Purpose & Mission in Life
Create Anything You Want... Manifest Your Dream Life
Ascension School includes all THREE courses.
Enjoy each course from the comfort of your home at your own pace.
Master ALL 6 Key areas of Ascension!
Make sure you are mastering EVERY area of ascension.
Master your physical health! Learn techniques for longevity, maximize your exercise program, supplements to increase vitality and cleanses to get remove toxins.
Learn to manage your thoughts like you've never done before. Learn the science of the brain, how to take control and master your life.
Learn that you are not the emotions you feel. You will understand why you stress out at certain triggers, and how to remove those negative blocks.
Stretch your mind outside of this realm and learn about other dimensions by personal experience… see things in other worlds.
Learn how our ancestors affect our DNA, both spiritually and physically. Understand that we are not subject to our genes. We can transcend bad traditions.
Learn what frequency, vibration, and energy all have to do with the ascension process. Experience more than just your 5 senses - beyond your physical abilities.
Everything You Need to Accelerate
Your Ascension Process
Over 26 hours of class time and over 90 lessons. Learn from those that are experiencing results! We bring you the tools, education, training and resources to move you out of suffering into a life of joy and peace and divine purpose.
The Ascension Community is an online discussion group created for students and instructors to connect with one another. This is a great way to meet like minded people in a safe environment.
Meditations that actually work to transform your body, mind and soul. Throughout the Ascension School courses you will learn many different meditation techniques, and the purpose for each particular style so that you use the right tool for the right job.
Join us for a LIVE Question and Answer call. We're excited to meet all of you! This is a great place to meet your instructors and get to know everyone in the course. Call in with questions!
Unleash the power of your mind and make lasting changes. Hypnotherapy sessions calculated to help you release the lower level emotions and replace them with high vibrational emotions. Dive deep into the subconscious and find the truth inside you.
Course material in downloadable books and handouts. You'll receive everything you need to accelerate your ascension process. Audio files and documents are available for you to download and review anytime.
Track and record your progress as you go through the course in this simple to use checklist and journal. Track your progress and see the amazing results taking place as you ascend to a higher level.
Program your mind to be in total alignment. This is a powerful transformation tool to help your subconscious mind assist you in creating the changes you desire in the fastest and best way possible for you.
Refund Policy: 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. You may return any product purchased directly from us within thirty days of purchase for a full refund of the product price.
Learn the ancient wisdom and the science. Be transformed into a new world of ascension.
Get access to videos, handouts, audio meditations and live Q&A calls for one year.
30-day satisfaction guarantee. If you aren't happy, we give you 100% of your money back.
Students Are Having AMAZING Results!!!
Meet Your Instructors
Nelson Whiting, Debbie Hart and Jerel Clark are the founders of The Ascension Academy. They have openly taught ascension principles to students, religious leaders, agnostics and atheists, schoolteachers, pro athletes, life coaches, and more… while serving the world with total authenticity.
The Ascension Academy...Quick, easy, and lasting results
Course 101
In Course 101… you’ll connect with Your Higher Power and Live Your Divine Identity and Purpose. Dive deep into the timeless wisdom of the Ancient Masters. Learn how to use frequency, energy and vibration to heal yourself and others. Create powerful habits that will transform your body, mind and soul into a state of endless joy and happiness.
In the first 30 days, you’ll learn…
- The ancient spirituality and wisdom of ascension, combined with cutting-edge scientific findings in frequency, energy and vibration to heal yourself and others…
- Why you are not the center of the universe, and why trying to pull this off without a connection to your Higher Power is NOT a good strategy… and how to fix that…
- Which powerful short-cut foundational habits will transform your body, mind and soul to a state of real joy and happiness, starting NOW…
- The secret to more rapid ascension, and how you can literally escape the bounds of your mortal life at the speed of thought…
- How our students are tuning into the fact that they are infinite beings and infinitely powerful… and the (no longer) secret ascension principles that make it happen practically overnight…
- Meditations that actually work to reach enlightenment and expose your true identity and purpose beyond self… so you aren’t (as science says) losing billions of brain cells for lack of a grand vision for your life…
- AND… how you can do all this while still loving your families, making a living, maintaining life balance, and deepening your spiritual connections, no matter your culture or religion.
Daily Topics:
Intro > Welcome to Ascension School
Intro > Journal & Checklist
Intro > Nightly Reprogramming Audio
Intro > Baseline Assessment Questionnaire
Intro > Meditation Basics
01 > Your Ultimate Purpose
02 > Your Personal Ascension
03 > The Earth's Ascension
04 > Ancient Traditions
05 > Ancient and Modern Examples
06 > Activity - Meet an Ascended Being
07 > Reflection - Online Assessment
08 > Energy Centers
09 > Creating Sacred Space
10 > Out With the Bad, In With the Good
11 > Your Thoughts & Emotions
12 > Clearing Techniques
13 > Activity - Clearing
14 > Reflection - Online Assessment
15 > Characteristics of Higher Power
16 > Communicating with Higher Power
17 > Connecting with Your Higher Power
18 > Quantification Techniques
19 > Avoiding Deception
20 > Activity - Letter to Higher Power
21 > Reflection - Online Assessment
22 > Ego vs. Soul
23 > Who you AM (Divine Identity)
24 > Karma and Dharma
25 > Your Purpose and Mission
26 > Ascension Hacks
27 > The Divine Spark
28 > Reflection - Online Assessment
29 > The Creation Process
30 > Removing Commitment Blocks
Wrap up > Quantifying Your Results
Course 201
In Course 201… Learn the Physical, Mental and Emotional areas of self-mastery. Follow the path of the ancient masters as you explore the higher laws of ascension. Your energy and vitality will soar to new heights by mastering your physical body, your subconscious mind and your emotional state. Join us for the next step in ascension that effects these 3 areas that permeate every waking moment of your life.
In the next 30 days, you’ll learn…
- The step-by-step Physical, Mental, and Emotional tools for your self-mastery, without a gym trainer or psychotherapist…
- Measurable, tangible, outcomes you can see in your daily life, from your new focus on ascension…
- Why ignoring the physical/mental (body/mind) connection is NOT a good idea… and how you can re-establish that healthy connection for maximum energy, vitality, and healing at the speed of thought…
- Why counting calories and killing yourself at the gym is not a good strategy for your overall physical health… and how you can gain balanced physical, mental, and emotional health, starting NOW…
- The secret to your subconscious mind… and how you can hack your even deeper superconscious spiritual state over and over again for maximum physical, mental, and emotional performance…
- How our students create their ideal lives in “the field” outside of time to bring their future into their present… and the techniques that make that happen literally overnight…
- The exact formula our students use to clear out deep-seated emotional fixations and limiting belief systems in just 10 minutes… and how to replace those negatives with positives…
- The secret to ultimate stress management and how you can not only remove stress, but ALL suffering from your life…
- AND… how you can do all this while you still have a life, enjoy your family and hobbies, go to your church… BUT take it all to the next level.
Daily Topics:
Intro > Welcome to Ascension 201
Intro > Journal & Checklist
Intro > Reprogramming Audio
Intro > Baseline Assessment Questionnaire
Intro > Meditation Advanced
01 > Advanced Ascension
02 > Overcoming Obstacles
03 > Light vs. Dark
04 > Sacred Places and Symbols
05 > 6 Keys Review
06 > Activity - Awareness
07 > Reflection - Online Assessment
08 > High-Prana Food
09 > Out with the Bad
10 > Detoxing the Body
11 > Physical Body
12 > Gland of Regeneration
13 > Activity - Sensing Energies
14 > Reflection - Online Assessment
15 > Conscious and Subconscious
16 > Superconscious Mind
17 > Altering State of Consciousness
18 > Bypassing Mind Veils
19 > The Brain Doesn't Think
20 > Activity - Telepathy/Downloads
21 > Reflection - Online Assessment
22 > What are Emotions
23 > Feel It to Heal It
24 > Life as a Mirror
25 > Increase to Decrease
26 > Healing Core Emotions
27 > Activity - Perspectives
28 > Reflection - Online Assessment
29 > Body, Mind & Heart Coherence
30 > Thought-Control Technique
Wrap up > Quantifying Your Results
Course 301
In Course 301… master every part of your life as you learn how to access the spiritual dimensions and tap into the unseen world around you. Clear out limiting beliefs from generational inheritances and heal issues holding you back. Learn to use energy to bless and heal yourself and others. Begin to experience what it means to be an ascended being of light.
In the final 30 days, you’ll learn…
- The final step-by-step processes that catapults your training into a new ascended life as a being of light in just 90 days…
- Why just knowing how to astral project into other dimensions can actually hurt you and is NOT a good strategy for tapping your divine potential… and how (like our students) you can enter the HIGHER dimensions beyond our 3D realm in just days…
- Measurable, tangible, outcomes you can see in your daily life… from your new focus on ascension…
- How to clear out and heal your generational inheritances and DNA with a simple but powerful exercise…
- The secret to sense, block, and manipulate energy fields… and how you can use that to bring health, peace, light, love, freedom and joy to all aspects of your life…
- How our students are overcoming the pain from their past and stepping into their new life as an ascended being… and the meditations that make that happen in a few days’ creation cycle…
- …AND… how we do all this while never giving up on yourself, never giving up on your immediate or extended family, and never giving up on the world… and step into your role as a teacher, mentor, and healer of the mass consciousness…
Daily Topics:
Intro > Welcome to Course 301
Intro > Journal & Checklist
Intro > Reprogramming Audio
Intro > Baseline Assessment Questionnaire
Intro > Meditation Basics
01 > Ascension Alchemy
02 > Advanced Energy Centers
03 > Advanced Pineal Gland
04 > Duality
05 > Pranic Breathing
06 > Activity - Telekinesis
07 > Reflection - Online Assessment
08 > Stages of Spiritual Growth
09 > The Path of the Masters
10 > Ho’oponopono
11 > Faith Vs Belief - Praying w/power
12 > Healing & Miracles
13 > Activity - Telekinesis Energy Basics
14 > Reflection - Online Assessment
15 > Generational Healing
16 > Multiple Mortalities & Timelines
17 > Genetic Problems /Belief System
18 > 4 Great Lies
19 > Advanced Shielding
20 > Activity - Generation Clearing
21 > Reflection - Online Assessment
22 > Sending & Receiving Energies
23 > Quantum Science (collapse the wave)
24 > Energy tools - Drumming, etc.
25 > EMF Protection Tools and Techniques
26 > Merkaba - Frequencies
27 > Activity - Seeing Auras/Chi balls
28 > Reflection - Online Assessment
29 > Ankhing
30 > Ancient Pattern of Development
Wrap up > Quantifying Your Results
This course completes your Ascension School curriculum and gives you a wealth of knowledge on the ascension process and how to transcend your mortal limitations!
Insights from Rex Rian...
"Learn how you can do more than just get by, but thrive, as the world ascends."
"We invite you to accept the call of ascension at this exciting time in the earth's history. You can be and do and experience so much more than you have ever dreamed.”
– Rex Rian
Transcend Your Mortal Limitations… NOW!
STOP meditating with little to show for it.
STOP taking psychotropic drugs.
STOP paying fraudulent gurus.
STOP ignoring your Higher Power.
STOP making excuses.
START being a happy person.
START helping your family grow.
START creating the life you want.
START the ascension process!
Ask your Higher Power if this is right for you… and START fulfilling your mission and purpose in your life.
For those struggling during these interesting times… you can now buy the entire 90-day course at a discount.
This course has been sold for $3,000. Now with added content and improved material we are asking only $794.
Daily training videos
Training journal and handbook
Before and after assessments
Detailed handouts
Nightly audio for subconscious reprogramming
Hypnotherapy sessions
Additional resources for further study
Weekly live Q&A with experienced instructors
Access to Community Forum
1-Year access to all course content
Backed by 30-day money-back guarantee. ZERO Risk!
Ascension School was created to help students learn and apply knowledge of how to transcend the bounds of mortal existence, and live by the higher laws of the Universe. These truths have been taught by esoteric hidden "mystery" schools for thousands of years. These truths are no longer a mystery; but they are basic, foundational, extremely empowering, and eternal truths that elevate humankind to their divine potential.
Enroll today while pricing is low.
For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
Refund Policy: 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. You may return any product purchased directly from us within thirty days of purchase for a full refund of the product price. Contact The Ascension Academy at: [email protected] for a full refund.
The material on the Website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician. The information provided by The Ascension Academy instructors and mentors is informational purposes only, is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You should consult your physician before: beginning any program, exercise, body awareness techniques, or meditation; changing your diet; taking any nutritional or herbal supplement; or using any information provided by The Ascension Academy or any of its instructors or mentors.